And thoses ' multiple tests of bombers being launched against test targets' have been made by drunk people, more likely they haven't ben done at all. I hope you're not the author of this 'guide' because it looks really bad. It is currently hard to tell if this translates to the squadron's hit-points as well.(с) Roughly 170 damage is dealt with a normal, full launch of a 4 Bay Carrier's bombers, while the Despoilers full deployment of bombers will do 255 damage per strike. This is proven through multiple tests of bombers being launched against test targets, which normally do 42.5 damage per squadron. That's because technically, each of the Heavy Launcher squadrons are a '2 for 1' kind of thing, where they represent two squads each, despite visually appearing as half. In-game however, you will only see 4 squadrons being launched. Basically, this ship launches a total of 6 wings, 4 from the Heavy and 2 from the regular launch bays. The first thing to get out of the way about the Despoiler is the whole Heavy Launch Bay thing and how that exactly works. Said in What's the Difference between Heavy Launch Bay and Regular Launch.